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Jazz Ensemble Camp 2024 Banner

Camp Date

  • June 8 - 14, 2025
  • Overnight Campers (tuition, housing, meals) $563.00
  • Day Campers (tuition only) $365.00

Registration Opens January 13th at 9am EST **Only the tuition (day-camper) price will show when you begin to register. Once you continue into your cart, you will see the option for housing & meals, and all other add-on options, to be selected.**

Register Now

Camp Features

Building On A Strong Foundation
From 8am-5pm, campers will play in a Big Band, a small combo, and sectionals, as well as participate in masterclasses focused on the dynamics and fundamentals of instrumental jazz music.  Classes will highlight topics such as improvisation, technique, effective practicing and jazz history. A personalized class schedule will be created just for you based on a placement audition at check-in.

Performance Opportunities
Campers will perform in two final performances in Ruby Diamond Concert Hall:  a combos concert on Friday evening, and a Big Bands concert on Saturday morning.  Families are welcome to attend both performances.

Evening Activities
Concerts and activities are planned for each evening including jam sessions, Imax Movies, faculty/staff concerts and more.  There will also be opportunities to interact with our outstanding Music Admissions team.

Be A Summer Seminole
Spend time on the FSU Campus and experience what it’s like to be a Nole.  Learn more about dorm rooms, dining, medical care, and everything in between on our Camp Life page.

Camp Details

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Campers must be attending grades 9 – 12 in the ’24-’25 school year. (Rising 9th graders during summer 2025 are not eligible).

All ability levels are welcome, but campers should have at least 6 months of school instruction or equivalent on an instrument.

No audition is required to register but there will be a placement audition at camp check-in to determine your Big Band and Combo assignment.

Sorry, we do not accept clarinet, flute, or vocal jazz at this camp.

OVERNIGHT CAMPER Price & Payment Details

Overnight Campers: $563.00 which includes

  • a non-refundable deposit of $100.00
  • tuition
  • housing
  • three meals per day (meals begin with dinner on check-in day and end with breakfast on check-out day)
  • a digital download audio recording of the final performances.

All registrants must pay a $100.00 non-refundable deposit when registering.  Families can choose to pay the balance in full when registering OR enroll in a monthly payment plan for the balance. Payment plans require a monthly auto-draft and must be paid in full by May 26. Campers registering after May 26 must pay in full at the time of registration.

Click here for the Cancellation and Refund Policy.

Scholarship and other third-party payments can be accepted.  Please contact our office if you need assistance with having a scholarship or school booster check applied to your account.

Campers who plan to attend another camp the following week may wish to stay overnight in the dorm on the night of June 14. The cost for the night of housing between the two camp weeks is $75.00.  You also have the option to check-out from the first camp and then check back in for the second week.  Read more about Extra Nights of Housing.

DAY CAMPER Price & Payment Details

Day Campers: $365.00 which includes

  • a non-refundable deposit of $100.00
  • tuition
  • a digital download audio recording of the final performances.

Meal plans are available as optional add-on purchases.  (Meal plans are non-refundable once purchased):

  • Day Camper Lunch Package:  $35.00/week (non-refundable).  Learn more
  • Day Camper Dinner Package:  $35.00/week (non-refundable). Learn more

All registrants must pay a $100.00 non-refundable deposit when registering.  Families can choose to pay the balance in full when registering OR enroll in a monthly payment plan for the balance. Payment plans require a monthly auto-draft and must be paid in full by May 26. Campers registering after May 26 must pay in full at the time of registration.

Click here for the Cancellation and Refund Policy.

Scholarship and other third-party payments can be accepted.  Please contact our office if you need assistance with having a scholarship or school booster check applied to your account.

Check-In, Check-Out and Performances

Check-in takes place on June 8 between 1pm-3pm.

There will be a performance on Friday, June 13 at 7:00pm featuring the campers in their Small Combo.

There will be a performance on Saturday, June 14 at 10:30am featuring the campers in their Big Band.

Check-out takes place on June 14 following the Big Band performance.

See below for a sample camp schedule.

Detailed information about check-in, check-out, and everything in between will be available in the Camp Handbook.

Registration, Forms, and Wait Lists


Registration is done online and opens on January 13, 2025 at 9am EST.  You can register for multiple camps/sessions at the same time. A parent/guardian is required to complete the registration.

**Only the tuition (day-camper) price will show when you begin to register.  The registration form will ask you if you want to be an overnight camper, and when if answer “yes” it will automatically add the housing and meals to your cart.

All registrants must pay a $100.00 non-refundable deposit when registering.  Families can choose to pay the balance in full when registering OR enroll in a monthly payment plan for the balance. Payment plans require a monthly auto-draft and must be paid in full by May 26. Campers registering after May 26 must pay in full at the time of registration.

If you have attended camp before and are not sure what your registration account log in is, please contact us at and we will send you the information.  Please do not make a new account.

Click here for the Payment, Cancellation and Refund Policy.


If there is a wait list for your instrument when you attempt to register, you can opt to be placed on the wait list. No deposit is required to be placed on the wait list. If a space becomes available you will be notified automatically by the Active registration system via an email from, and you will have 72 hours to accept or pass. Please add “” to your contacts or regularly check your junk mail to be sure your wait list offer does not go to junk mail.

Because of the limited number of rhythm instrument spots and high demand, this camp often has long wait lists for bass, guitar, piano, and drums.  Spaces only open up if someone else who plays that instrument cancels; we are not able to open up more spots.  You are welcome to contact us at any time to find out your position on the wait list.


Once you have paid the deposit and receive a registration confirmation, you will be able to fill out your required camper forms. These forms include a medical information form (no physical required), consent forms, and more.  These forms should be completed as soon as possible, but are due no later than one month prior to the start of your camp.


All-State Discount:

A $50.00 All-State Discount is available for this camp.   To qualify you must:

  1. Be selected for a Florida All-State Ensemble on the same instrument that you will be playing at camp
  2. Attend the conference as a performer in Tampa, FL in January

Use the code: 25FMEA50 during check out to get the discount.  Please note that we verify all discounts against the event concert programs.  If we are unable to verify your participation, the discount may be removed.

Tri-State Discount:

A $50.00 FSU Tri-State Discount is available for this camp.   To qualify you must:

  1. Be selected for a the FSU Tri-State Festival on the same instrument that you will be playing at camp
  2. Have attended the festival as a performer in Tallahasee in December 2024.

Use the code: 25TRI50 during check out to get the discount.  Please note that we verify all discounts against the event concert programs.  If we are unable to verify your participation, the discount may be removed.

Campers may received one (1) All-State Discount or (1) Tri-State Discount per summer.


Private Lessons:

Optional private lessons are available at this camp.  Lessons are booked at camp check-in based on availability. Lessons are $50.00 per 50-minute lesson. Lesson payments are made directly to lesson teachers by cash or check only.

Optional Add-Ons:

There are several add-on options available during the registration process.  You can add any of these options to your registration during the initial registration process, or anytime up to two-weeks before the start of your camp.

  • Overnight Campers:  Extra Nights of Housing in the dorm:  $75.00.  Learn more
  • Overnight Campers: Shuttle Service: $30/each way. Learn more
  • Day Camper Lunch Package**:  $35.00/week (non-refundable)  Learn more
  • Day Camper Dinner Package**:  $35.00/week (non-refundable). Learn more
  • Day Camper Parking Passes**: $TBA/week (non-refundable). Learn more

**Lunch packages, dinner packages, and parking passes are non-refundable once purchased**

Multiple Camp Sessions

We would love for you to attend multiple camp sessions!

Campers who plan to attend another camp the week after Jazz Ensemble Camp have the choice to stay overnight in the dorm on the night in between ($75.00) or to check-out on Saturday and then check back in for the second week on Sunday.

Though we will try to keep you in the same room if possible, you are not guaranteed to have the same room during all sessions,  If you are required to switch rooms, counselors will be available to assist moving your belongings.

You can sign-up for an extra night during the initial registration process, or anytime up to two-weeks before the start of your first camp.

Read more about Extra Nights of Housing.


All campers must bring their instrument with them to camp.  If you do not own your own instrument, we suggest speaking with your music teacher about borrowing your school instrument for the duration of camp.Rental instruments are also available locally through Playground Music Center (850-785-1355)

A locker or secure storage location will be provided for larger instruments.

The instrument that you select during camp registration is the instrument that you must play at camp. If you would like to change your instrument to a different one after you register, you must contact our office prior to the start of your camp. If you play multiple instruments, you must choose a primary instrument but are welcome to bring your second with you for additional opportunities.

All campers must bring their instrument, instrument accessories, and a folding music stand.
In addition:

  • Drummers must bring a  4-5 piece kit – snare drum, 1-2 rack toms, floor tom, cymbals (ride, crash and hi-hat), and hardware (hi-hat stand, cymbal stand(s), drum throne, bass drum pedal). Drumsticks and brushes.
  • Electric Bass and Electric Guitar players must bring their instrument, an amp, cables, and an extension cord with them in addition to their instrument.
  • Upright Bass players must bring their instrument.   They should also bring a stool (bar stool height) and, if they plan to play with a pick-up (not required), they should also bring an amp, cables, and an extension cord.
  • Learn more about Camp Life
  • Preparing For Camp
  • Go to Your Registered Camper Forms (available in your online account after registering)

Sample Camp Schedule

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Sample Schedule (all classes and times subject to change)
Sunday, 1:00-3:00pmCamper Check-In (you will sign up for an arrival time)
Sunday, 7:00pmCamper Orientation
8:00-10:00Big Band Rehearsal
10:10-10:55Big Band Sectionals
11:05-11:50Jazz History, Beginning Improv, Advanced Improv
1:30-2:50Combo Rehearsals
4:00-5:00Big Band Rehearsals
Monday, 7:00-8:30pmFaculty/Staff Performance
Tuesday, 7:00-9:30pmRecreation (ex: Campus Tour, Jam Session, Movies, Roller Skating)
Wednesday, 7:00-8:30pmFaculty/Staff Performance
Thursday, 7:00-9:30pmRecreation (ex: UrbanAir, Jam Session, IMAX)
Friday, 7:00pmCombos Performance
Saturday, 10:30amBig Band Performance
Saturday (post-concert)Check-out