Floyd, Carlisle. Susannah : a musical drama in 2 acts.
Autograph manuscript, in ink. A gift of the composer to the Florida State University College of Music, on permanent loan to the Warren D. Allen Music Library.
SPEC ML96 .F56 S87
Hawkins, Sir John (1719-1789). A General History of the Science and Practice of Music.
London : Printed for T. Payne and son, 1776. In five volumes.
SPEC ML159 .H349 1776
Marpurg, Friedrich Wilhelm (1718-1795). Kritische Einleitung in die Geschichte und Lehrsätze der alten und neuen Musik.
Nebst acht Kupfertabellen. Berlin : G. A. Lange, 1759.
SPEC ML169 .A2 M35 1759
Aaron, Pietro. Toscanello, Opera Dell’Eccellentiss Musico.
Venetia : Appresso D. Nicolino, 1562. Currently the oldest item in our collection.
SPEC ML171 .A12 1562
Fux, Johann Joseph (1660-1741). Gradus ad Parnassum, oder, Anführung zur reglemässigen musialischen Composition….
First German edition. Leipzig : Im Mizlerischen bücherverlag, 1742.
SPEC MT40 .F83 G732 1742
Penna, Lorenzo (1613-1693). Del li primi albori musicali per li principianti della musica figurata.
First edition. Bologna : per Giacomo Monti, ad instanza di Marino siluani, 1684.
SPEC MT6 .A2 P46 1684
Artusi, Giovanni Maria (d. 1613). L’Artusi overo delle imperfettioni della moderna musica.
First edition. Venetia : G. Vincenti, 1600.
SPEC MT55 .A784 A784 1600
Clio and Euterpe : or British harmony ; a collection of celebrated songs and cantatas by the most approv’d masters curiously engrav’d with the thorough bass for the harpsichord and transposition for the German flute.
First edition. London : H. Roberts, 1762.
SPEC M1738 .C55 1762
Alfonso X, King of Castile and Leon (1221-1284). Cantigas de Santa Maria. Edición facsímil del códice T.I.1 de la Biblioteca de San Lorenzo el Real de El Escorial.
In two volumes. Madrid : Edilán, c1979.
SPEC M2 .A4 1979
Il codice Squarcialupi : Ms. Mediceo Palatino 87, Biblioteca laurenziana di Firenze
Firenze : Giunti Barbèra ; Libreria musicale italiana, c1992.
SPEC M2 .S6857 1992
Il codice J.II.9 : Torino, Biblioteca nazionale universitaria.
Lucca : Libreria musicale italina, 1999.
SPEC M2 .C6335 1999