Whether you are looking to advance in your current career path or perhaps make a career change, our graduate programs provide the opportunities to focus your studies even further. Take your education to the next level in one of dozens of programs available.
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Arts Administration
Providing an education in arts management and leadership.
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Fostering limitless experiences and connections.
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Commercial Music
Providing hands-on experience as performers, engineers and producers.
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Gaining leadership and entrepreneurial skills for the 21st Century.
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Creating a rich environment for incubation of new ideas and approaches.
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Select program
Offering exceptional training for performers and teachers.
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Liberal Arts in Music
Pursuing a passion for music alongside other academic interests.
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Music Education
Preparing tomorrow’s teachers and researchers.
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Music Therapy
Building careers using music in service to and rehabilitation of others.
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Training socially responsible scholar-musicians of the highest caliber.
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Building skillsets for successful, competitive musicians.
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Piano Technology
Providing valuable experience in repair and restoration situations.
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Preparing students to excel as a versatile, modern musician.
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Theory & Composition
Training musicians through outstanding instruction and mentorship.
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Voice & Opera
Developing students for a multitude of performing opportunities.
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Preparing students for diverse careers in teaching and performance.
Select programFall 2025
Keyboard Admissions
Offering exceptional performance training and many options for elective courses and specializations.
Key Admission Dates
Fall 2025
- Priority Deadline (Organ) December 1
- Prescreening Deadline (Piano Performance, Piano Pedagogy, Accompanying) December 1
- Prescreening Results Released December 15
- Final Deadline (Organ) February 1
- Audition Dates – Piano Performance and Piano Pedagogy January 24, January 25, February 7, February 8, February 21, February 22
- Audition Dates – Organ February 7, February 21
- Audition Dates – Accompanying January 17, February 14
Application Requirements
1 Apply to Florida State University
Complete the Florida State University Application and pay the $30 application fee.
- Accompanying (DM) students should select “Piano Performance – DM” as your degree program on the FSU application.
- Piano Pedagogy (PhD) students should select “Music Education – PhD” as your degree program on the FSU application.
In order to meet the Florida State University requirements for graduate admission, applicants must have earned a minimum 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) grade point average (GPA) in all coursework attempted while registered as an upper-division undergraduate student working towards a bachelor’s degree. Applicants not meeting this requirement may be considered for admission, but only by special exception. To determine your upper-division GPA, please consult the GPA calculation worksheet. If your upper-division GPA is below a 3.0, please be sure to address this deficiency in your Statement of Purpose. You are also encouraged to have your referees address your academic preparedness for graduate study in their letters of recommendation.
International applicants or those with degrees earned from international institutions must submit their official transcripts through the SpanTran pathway portal, or from another NACES approved evaluator. SpanTran has created a custom application for Florida State University that will make sure you select the right kind of evaluation at a discounted rate. Florida State University recommends SpanTran as our preferred credential evaluation because it offers an easy way to streamline the application process.
Official English Language Proficiency results are required of all international applicants whose native language is not English, including applicants who have already studied in an English speaking country for any length of time.
For admission, attain the minimum required score on one of the following exams:
Additionally, to be eligible for a graduate assistantship:
- Students must score a minimum of 26 on the speaking portion of the IBTOEFL or;
- Achieve a score of 50 on the SPEAK Test (offered by FSU) to qualify for a graduate assistantship.
2 Apply to the College of Music
Complete the College of Music Supplemental Application and any additional materials required for your program. The Supplemental Application allows you to select your audition date, and will be added to your Application Checklist within 1-2 hours of submitting your application to FSU.
Comprehensive Solo Repertoire List
- This is a list of all significant solo works you have studied to date.
- Include education, background, experience, honors and awards, publications, names of former teachers, and any other important information.
Statement of Purpose
- There is no required format or prompt for the Statement of Purpose. Most are 1-2 pages in length and discuss the applicant’s background, career goals, and potential for success in the program. This may be formatted as a cover letter to accompany the
Letters of Recommendation (3 required)
- You will enter your recommenders’ contact information through the Application Status Check.
Comprehensive Solo Repertoire List
- This is a list of all significant solo works you have studied to date.
- Include education, background, experience, honors and awards, publications, names of former teachers, and any other important information.
Statement of Purpose
- There is no required format or prompt for the Statement of Purpose. Most are 1-2 pages in length and discuss the applicant’s background, career goals, and potential for success in the program. This may be formatted as a cover letter to accompany the Vita/Resume.
Letters of Recommendation (3 required)
- You will enter your recommenders’ contact information through the Application Status Check.
Prescreening Recordings
- All non-FSU applicants must upload the prescreening requirements to the portfolio on the Application Status Check by December 1
Current FSU piano students are not required to submit prescreening materials.
Prerequisites for Admission
- A completed bachelor’s degree in piano performance (or equivalent) from an accredited institution.
- Admission is based on demonstrated ability comparable to the technical and musical proficiency of an entering graduate level performance major, and the additional artistic qualities and technical skills necessary for accompanying and ensemble playing.
Required Materials
Comprehensive Solo Repertoire List
- Repertoire lists and programs showing evidence of extensive performance experience and a thorough acquaintance with the appropriate vocal and instrumental repertoire; a repertoire list of solo works should also be included.
- Include education, background, experience, honors and awards, publications, names of former teachers, and any other important information.
Statement of Purpose
- There is no required format or prompt for the Statement of Purpose. Most are 1-2 pages in length and discuss the applicant’s background, career goals, and potential for success in the program. This may be formatted as a cover letter to accompany the Vita/Resume.
Letters of Recommendation (3 required)
- You will enter your recommenders’ contact information through the Application Status Check.
Prescreening Recordings
- All applicants must upload the prescreening requirements to the portfolio on the Application Status Check by December 1.
Foreign Languages (Prerequisite for Graduation)
Proficiency in two of the following languages: French, German or Italian.
- Proficiency is interpreted as having completed one year of each language at the college level with a grade of “B” or better OR satisfactory performance on the language entrance examination administered by the accompanying faculty.
- Note: Identified language deficiencies will have to be made up during the period of residence, most likely at a credit level not applicable to the total graduate credit hour requirement of the degree.
Comprehensive Solo Repertoire List
- This is a list of all significant solo works you have studied to date.
- Include education, background, experience, honors and awards, publications, names of former teachers, and any other important information.
Statement of Purpose
- There is no required format or prompt for the Statement of Purpose. Most are 1-2 pages in length and discuss the applicant’s background, career goals, and potential for success in the program. This may be formatted as a cover letter to accompany the Vita/Resume.
Letters of Recommendation (3 required)
- You will enter your recommenders’ contact information through the Application Status Check.
Prescreening Recordings
- All non-FSU applicants must upload the prescreening requirements to the portfolio on the Application Status Check by December 1.
Current FSU piano students are not required to submit prescreening materials.
Comprehensive Solo Repertoire List
- This is a list of all significant solo works you have studied to date.
- Include education, background, experience, honors and awards, publications, names of former teachers, and any other important information.
Statement of Purpose
- There is no required format or prompt for the Statement of Purpose. Most are 1-2 pages in length and discuss the applicant’s background, career goals, and potential for success in the program. This may be formatted as a cover letter to accompany the Vita/Resume.
Scholarly Writing Sample
- Acceptable scholarly writing sample may include either
- A paper of at least 5 pages submitted for an MM-level course, including proper citations and appropriate bibliography; or
- Program notes for the pieces to be performed for the audition (same criteria for minimum length, citations and bibliography apply)
- Please note that an anti-plagiarism monitoring program to ensure the originality of the work may be used to check papers.
Letters of Recommendation (3 required)
- You will enter your recommenders’ contact information through the Application Status Check.
Comprehensive Solo Repertoire List
- This is a list of all significant solo works you have studied to date.
- Include education, background, experience, honors and awards, publications, names of former teachers, and any other important information.
Statement of Purpose
- There is no required format or prompt for the Statement of Purpose. Most are 1-2 pages in length and discuss the applicant’s background, career goals, and potential for success in the program. This may be formatted as a cover letter to accompany the Vita/Resume.
Scholarly Writing Sample
- Acceptable scholarly writing sample may include either
- A paper of at least 5 pages submitted for an MM-level course, including proper citations and appropriate bibliography; or
- Program notes for the pieces to be performed for the audition (same criteria for minimum length, citations and bibliography apply)
- Please note that an anti-plagiarism monitoring program to ensure the originality of the work may be used to check papers.
Letters of Recommendation (3 required)
- You will enter your recommenders’ contact information through the Application Status Check.
Prescreening Recordings
- All non-FSU applicants must upload the prescreening requirements to the portfolio on the Application Status Check by December 1.
Current FSU piano students are not required to submit prescreening materials.
Comprehensive Solo Repertoire List
- This is a list of all significant solo works you have studied to date.
- Include education, background, experience, honors and awards, publications, names of former teachers, and any other important information.
Statement of Purpose
- There is no required format or prompt for the Statement of Purpose. Most are 1-2 pages in length and discuss the applicant’s background, career goals, and potential for success in the program. This may be formatted as a cover letter to accompany the Vita/Resume.
Scholarly Writing Sample
- Acceptable scholarly writing sample may include either
- A paper of at least 5 pages submitted for an MM-level course, including proper citations and appropriate bibliography; or
- Program notes for the pieces to be performed for the audition (same criteria for minimum length, citations and bibliography apply)
- Please note that an anti-plagiarism monitoring program to ensure the originality of the work may be used to check papers.
Letters of Recommendation (3 required)
- You will enter your recommenders’ contact information through the Application Status Check.
- Include education, background, experience, honors and awards, publications, names of former teachers, and any other important information.
Statement of Purpose
- There is no required format or prompt for the Statement of Purpose. Most are 1-2 pages in length and discuss the applicant’s background, career goals, and potential for success in the program. This may be formatted as a cover letter to accompany the Vita/Resume.
Educational Portfolio
- To include any of the following that may apply: Concert Programs, Scholarly Writing Samples, etc.
- Please upload this portfolio as a single document (PDF preferred).
- Preferred teaching experience of two-to-three years prior to application.
Sample of Best Scholarly Writing
- A thesis or major term paper demonstrating the ability to write clearly about musical detail, mastery of bibliographic resources and forms, and control of writing style
Teaching Recording
- Compile a variety of 3-4 teaching video clips (up to 30 minutes total) that demonstrate your skills working with students of different ages and levels. Recordings should be uploaded to your portfolio on the Application Status Check
Performance Recording
- Video recordings should be unedited and from within the last 2 years.
- Approximately 30 minutes of music; solo or chamber music is acceptable, also uploaded to your portfolio on the Application Status Check
Letters of Recommendation (3 required)
- You will enter your recommenders’ contact information through the Application Status Check.
- Upon receipt of the materials listed above, a select number of applicants will be invited for an interview.
- On the day of your interview, you will also be asked to give a group piano mock lesson in order to be considered for an assistantship. Approximately two weeks prior to the audition, applicants will be sent guidelines for this portion of the interview.
3 Submit transcripts from all previously attended institutions
For the purposes of the admission review, transcripts may be official or unofficial. Prior to matriculation, entering students are required to submit final, official transcripts.
International applicants or those with degrees earned from international institutions must submit their official transcripts through the SpanTran pathway portal, or from another NACES approved evaluator. SpanTran has created a custom application for Florida State University that will make sure you select the right kind of evaluation at a discounted rate. Florida State University recommends SpanTran as our preferred credential evaluation because it offers an easy way to streamline the application process.
4 Complete your audition/interview
Be sure to review the audition requirements below for your instrument.
While a live audition is encouraged, we do accept recorded auditions in lieu of a live audition. For those who choose the recorded audition option:
Video required. All audition materials should be unedited. Selections may be recorded separately or in one continuous video. Please introduce yourself at the beginning of the video. Accompanying applicants are not permitted to audition by recording.
Piano performance majors will automatically be considered for 1-to-1 teaching assistantships. Assistantships are also available in the following areas:
- Accompanying: contact Prof. Valerie Trujillo after passing the prescreen stage to schedule an audition on Friday of your audition weekend
- Group Piano Teaching: contact Music Admissions after passing the prescreen stage to schedule a teaching demonstration audition on Saturday of your audition weekend
Audition Requirements
Select your instrument from the list below to view audition requirements
All works must be performed by memory.
Prescreening Requirements (MM and DM):
All Piano Performance and Piano Pedagogy applicants who are not current FSU students must submit a prescreening of video uploads, unedited, from within the last two years:
- MM : Three (3) contrasting works from differing style periods. MM Piano Pedagogy applicants must also submit a teaching video that demonstrates your skills working with a student of any age or level.
- DM: Approximately 30 minutes of music from three style periods.
Current FSU piano students are not required to submit prescreening materials.
Audition Requirements (MM):
Present contrasting pieces selected from three of the following four categories:
- A major work by J. S. Bach (such as a Prelude and corresponding Fugue);
- A complete sonata by Haydn, Mozart, Schubert, or Beethoven (excluding Op 49 and Op 79);
- A Romantic work;
- A twentieth or twenty-first century work
Audition Requirements (DM):
Present a program of at least 50 minutes including at least three (3) major works representing three (3) different style periods.
Doctoral auditions will also include a brief interview in which you may be asked to discuss the works you have presented in your audition or other general musical topics.
Applicants who have questions about appropriate audition repertoire please contact Dr. Heidi Louise Williams.
Prescreening Requirements (MM and DM):
Video uploads, unedited, from within the last two years; both selections must be presented with a partner:
- One song or aria
- One movement from an instrumental sonata
Audition Requirements (MM and DM):
- Vocal repertoire (MM prepare three; DM prepare all):
- Schubert: Die Forelle (Db Major)
- Strauss: Allerseelen (Eb Major)
- Debussy: Il pleure dans mon coeur (G# Minor)
- Fauré: Clair de lune (Bb Minor)
- Argento: Spring (F Major)
- Instrumental repertoire (MM prepare two; DM prepare three of the following):
- Franck: Violin Sonata in A Major (second movement only)
- Hindemith: Trumpet Sonata (first movement only)
- Mozart: Violin Sonata in B-flat Major, K. 378 (first movement only)
- Prokofiev: Flute / Violin Sonata #2 in D Major (second movement only)
- Solo Performance of one major work that demonstrates your technical and musical command of the keyboard (memorization optional)
- Sight-reading
Applicants who have questions about appropriate audition repertoire (or repertoire substitutions) please contact Prof. Valerie Trujillo.
Audition Requirements (MM and DM):
Perform three works of contrasting styles and tempi including a major work of Bach.
Applicants who have questions about appropriate audition repertoire please contact Dr. Iain Quinn.
Audition Day Itinerary
Meet Associate Dean Liz Avery and key staff members from the College of Music. Learn more about the programs and opportunities for graduate students, including details regarding the admission process, student funding, and life in Tallahassee. Question and answer session with current students will follow.
Have all of your final questions answered! Speak one-on-one with an admissions representative.
Common Questions
Expand AllEveryone who completes the application process (including interview and/or audition, if required) is automatically considered for scholarships and assistantships, and no additional application is necessary. Only graduate students interested in auditioning for accompanying or group piano teaching assistantships are required to take an additional audition. Contact College of Music Admissions for further details.
Prescreenings are required for the following instruments/degree programs:
- MM or DM in Brass Performance
- MM or DM in String Performance (Violin only)
- MM or DM in Woodwind Performance
- MM or DM in Voice Performance
- MM or DM in Piano Performance
- MM in Piano Pedagogy
- MM or DM in Accompanying
- MM in Opera Coaching
Prescreening submissions are due by December 1 and results will be released by December 15. Applicants who are successful in this first round will be invited to campus for a full audition on one of the dates listed above. (Music Theatre will have a second round via Zoom, followed by a final round on campus).
An accompanist is provided, free of charge, for all voice and music theatre auditions on campus. Rehearsal time is not provided, however, and scores should not be submitted in advance. Please bring neat copies, in a book or organized in a binder, in the appropriate key(s). Students may bring their own accompanist to the audition if they wish.
Classical instrumental auditions will be unaccompanied. Jazz auditions are accompanied by a rhythm section.
Students are allowed a maximum of three audition attempts per instrument/voice, per degree level (bachelors, master’s, doctoral). Applicants are allowed one audition per application.