Dianne Gregory
Dianne Gregory, Professor of Music Therapy, has held many positions in regional and national music therapy organizations and has been published in music education, music psychology, and music therapy journals. She regularly makes presentations at national conferences and currently serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Music Therapy. She received the M.M. in music therapy from Florida State University and was appointed to the faculty in 1974.
- Greenfield, D.G. (1978). Evaluation of music therapy practicum competencies: Comparisons of self- and instructor ratings of videotapes. Journal of Music Therapy, 15, 15-20.
- Reprinted in: Research in Music Therapy: A Tradition of Excellence. Allen Press, Lawrence, KS.
- Greenfield, D.G. (1980). The use of visual feedback in training music therapy competencies. Journal of Music Therapy, 17, 94-102.
- Greenfield, D.G. (1982). Development of NAMT standards for music therapy education. Quodlibet, Summer, 32-38.
- Greenfield, D.G. (1985). Computer-assisted music therapy, Quodlibet, Winter, 13-18.
- Greenfield, D.G. (1985). The evaluation of a computer system for behavioral observation training and research. Journal of Music Therapy, 12, 95-98.
- Greenfield, D.G.and Codding, P. (1985). Competency-based vs. linear computer instruction of music fundamentals. Journal of Computer-Based Instruction, Fall, 12, 108-110.
- Standley, J. M. and Greenfield, D. (1987). The efffect of a focused observation task and its transfer on the analysis of a kindergarten music class by pre-senior versus pre-internship music education/therapy majors. In C.K. Madsen and C. A. Prickett (Eds.), Applications of Research in Music Behavior, (pp. 99-114). Tuscalooosa, AL: The Universityof Alabama Press.
- Gregory, D. and Sims, W. (1988) Music preference analysis with computers. Journal of Music Therapy, 15, 202-212.
- Gregory, D. (1989). Using computers to measure continuous music responses. Psychomusicology, 8, 127-134.
- Madsen, C.K., Standley, J.M., and Gregory, D. (1991). The effect of a vibrotactile device, Somatron(TM) on physiological and psychological responses: Musicians versus non-musicians. Journal of Music Therapy, 28(1), 14-22.
- Gregory, D. (1994). Preferences of middle school and undergraduate instrumentalists for acoustic and synthesized transcriptions. Journal of Band Research, 29, 97-105.
- Gregory, D. (1994). Analysis of listening preferences of high school and college musicians. Journal of Research in Music Education, 42, 331-342.
- Gregory, D. (1995). The Continuous Response Digital Interface: An analysis of reliability measures. Psychomusicology, 14, 197-208.
- Gregory, D. (1995). Coincidental, not redundant. Quodlibet, Summer, 18-20.
- Madsen, C. K. & Geringer, J. M. (1983). Attending behavior as a function of in-class activity in university music classes. Journal of Music Therapy, 20, 30-38.
- Madsen, C.K. and Gregory, D. (1996). Use of technology in understanding “aesthetic response” in music. Proceedings of the Third Research Alliance of Institutes for Music Education Symposium, Tallahassee, FL, Center for Music Research.
- Gregory, D. (1996.) Reliability of the Continuous Response Digital Interface. Proceedings of the Third International Technological Directions in Music Education Conference, San Antonio, TX, Institute for Music Research.
- Gregory, D., and Sheldon, D. (1997). Perception of tempo modulation by listeners of differing levels of educational experience. Journal of Research in Music Education, 45, 367-379.
- Gregory, D. (1997). Before and after the Americans with Disabilities Act: An analysis of attitude and knowledge of undergraduate music majors. Journal of Music Therapy, 34, 119-128.
- Gregory, D. (1998). Reactions to ballet with wheelchairs: Reflections of attitudes toward people with disabilities. Journal of Music Therapy, 35, 274-283.
- Gregory, D. (2000). Technological assistance in client assessment: Implications for music therapy. Music Therapy Perspectives, 18, 69-71.
- Gregory, D. (2000). Test instruments used by Journal of Music Therapy authors 1984-1997. Journal of Music Therapy, 37(2), 79-94.
- Gregory, D. (2001). Four decades of music therapy behavioral research designs: A content analysis of Journal of Music Therapy articles, Journal of Music Therapy, 39(1), 56-71.
- Gregory, D. (2002). Music instruction technology: Accessibility issues and resources. Journal of Technology in Music Learning. 1(2), 15-23.
- Gregory, D. (2002). Music listening for maintaining attention of older adults with cognitive impairments. Journal of Music Therapy, 39, 244-264.
- Geringer, J. M., Madsen, C. K., & Gregory, D. (2004). A fifteen-year history of the Continuous Response Digital Interface: Issues relating to validity and reliability. Council of Research in Music Education, 160, 1-15.
- Gregory, D. & Jones, J. (2006). Self-directed preparation of unfamiliar songs and accompaniments: An exploratory study with beginning guitarists. Southern Journal of Music Education, 2(1), 50-62.
- Gregory, D. (2007) University students’ perceptions of course web sites after participation in a web-managed field experience. Journal of Technology in Music Learning, (4, 1), 3-16,
- Gregory, D. (2009). Using clinical video excerpts to prompt music therapy majors’ recall of related experiences and self-attributions of comfort and skill. Journal of Music Therapy, 46(4), 287-30.
- Gregory, D. (2009). Online video bridges gap between orientation and first interactive session for hospital Arts in Medicine volunteers. Journal of Music Therapy, 46(4), 308-322.
- Gregory, D. & Belgrave, M. (2009). Identification of requisite skills for guitar accompaniment proficiency. Music Therapy Perspectives, 27(2), 88-96.
- Gooding, L. & Gregory, S. D. (2011). Descriptive analysis of YouTube music therapy videos. Journal of Music Therapy, 48(3), 357-369.
- Gregory, S. D. & Gooding, L. (2012). Music therapy online documentaries: A descriptive analysis. Music Therapy Perspectives, 30(2), 183-187.
- Gregory, S.D. & Gooding, L. (2013). Viewers’ Perceptions of a YouTube music therapy session video, Journal of Music Therapy, 50(3), 176-197.
- Greenfield, D.G. (1987) Computer applications in music therapy education. In C. Maranto and K. Bruscia (Eds.), Perspectives on Music Therapy Education and Training, (pp. 71-78). Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press.
- Standley, J. M. and Greenfield, D. (1987). The effect of a focused observation task and its transfer on the analysis of a kindergarten music class by pre-senior versus pre-internship music education/therapy majors. In C. K. Madsen and C. A. Prickett (Eds.), Applications of Research in Music Behavior, (pp. 99-114). Tuscaloosa, AL: The University of Alabama Press.
- Gregory, D. (2005). Arts in Medicine service learning course: Design and university student perceptions. In J. Standley (Ed.) Medical Music Therapy: A Model Program for Clinical Practice, Education, Training, and Research. Silver Spring, MD. American Music Therapy Association.