Library Resources
Digital Reference
American Music
American Music is a history database that allows people to hear and feel the music from America’s past. The database includes songs by and about Native Americans, miners, immigrants, enslaved people, children, pioneers, and cowboys. Included in the database are the songs of Civil Rights, political campaigns, Prohibition, the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, anti-war protests, and more.
APA PsycInfo
Bibliographic database of scholarly literature in the psychological, social, behavioral, and health sciences. APA PsycInfo covers journals, books, reviews, and dissertations.
APA PsycInfo (ProQuest)
ProQuest online version of Psychological Abstracts, 1887 to present. Covers journal articles, book chapters, books, technical reports, and dissertations, in psychology and psychological aspects of related disciplines. Some links to full text.
APA PsycTests
APA PsycTests is a new and expanding APA database that provides access to noncommercial, unpublished psychological tests, measures, scales, surveys, and other assessments. Users can read the summary and purpose of a test, in addition to a history of its development. In many cases, the test instrument is included. When available, test scope, implementation, development, and validity and reliability data are provided.
Asian American Drama
Asian American Drama contains 252 plays by 42 playwrights, together with detailed, fielded information on related productions, theaters, production companies, and more.
Bloomsbury Music and Sound
Bloomsbury Popular Music provides unrivalled scholarly coverage of modern popular music worldwide, covering the mid-20th century to the present day music. Supports courses in ethnomusicology, the performing arts, media and communication, cultural studies, anthropology and sociology. Bloomsbury Sound Studies is the first digital resource to provide wide-ranging, cross-cultural, and interdisciplinary scholarly content in the study of sound. Subject areas covered include art, aesthetics, architecture, contemporary music, history, philosophy, technology, and cultural studies and the growing literature of sonic and auditory theory, methodology, and practice.
Classical Music Reference Library
Classical Music Reference Library brings together a variety of essential reference materials, spanning the entire history of Western classical music, in a unified online database. Included are the authoritative reference titles Baker’s Dictionary of Music, Baker’s Biographical Dictionary of Musicians, and Baker’s Student Encyclopedia of Music, which are available for the first time in electronic form.
Dissertations and Theses (ProQuest)
The world’s most comprehensive curated collection of multi-disciplinary dissertations and theses from around the world, offering over 5 million citations and nearly 3 million full-text works from thousands of universities.
ERIC (ProQuest)
ERIC (ProQuest) is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education to provide extensive access to educational-related literature. The ERIC database corresponds to two printed journals: Resources in Education (RIE) and Current Index to Journals in Education (CIJE).
Europeana provides access to millions of books, music, artworks and more from European archives, libraries and museums with sophisticated search and filter tools.
FSU Digital Library: AML Collection
This provides online access to materials that have been digitized from Special Collections at the FSU Music Library.
FSU Research Repository
The FSU Research Repository contains items such as theses and dissertations, published works and reports, data, and creative works. Researchers and scholars can submit their scholarly work to become available to others.
Google Scholar with FSU full-text links
Google Scholar uses Google’s search engine to provide a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature. From one place, you can search across many disciplines and sources: peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, abstracts and articles, from academic publishers, professional societies, preprint repositories, universities and other scholarly organizations. Using the link within Google Scholar, you may also link to resources that FSU owns.
HathiTrust is a partnership of academic & research institutions, offering a collection of millions of titles digitized from libraries around the world.
Hit Songs Deconstructed
Provides analysis and trends for hit songwriting, focused on U.S. industry data and music genres.
Index to Printed Music
The Index to Printed Music (IPM) is the digital finding aid for locating musical works contained in printed collections, sets, and series. IPM indexes individual pieces of music printed in the complete works of composers, anthologies of music, and other scholarly editions.
International Bibliography of Theatre & Dance with full text
International Bibliography of Theatre & Dance with Full Text contains all of the content available in International Bibliography of Theatre & Dance as well as full text for 100 titles.
IPA Source
IPA Source is the web’s largest library of International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) transcriptions and literal translations of opera arias and art song texts. Now with over 6629 texts including 1176 aria texts.
Jazz Discography Online
The Jazz Discography encompasses all genres of jazz so as to include sessions by musicians who record across the various jazz disciplines, from traditional to avant-garde, from bebop to fusion. A true “general” jazz discography, it is the most complete catalog of recorded jazz ever published, presently covering over 450,000 jazz recordings released between 1896 and today.
A database of the back issues of core journals in the humanities, social sciences and sciences. The gap between the most recently published issue of any journal and the date of the most recent issue available in JSTOR is from 2 to 5 years.