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Capital Children’s Choir

The Capital Children’s Choir is a community outreach program for children in Kindergarten through Eighth grade which is sponsored by the College of Music at Florida State University. For more than twenty years, the program has focused on teaching good singing techniques and music to children in a noncompetitive atmosphere. Specifically, children in the choir will learn how to:

  • sing using healthy vocal technique and posture
  • prepare to sing using age-appropriate vocal and physical warm-ups
  • use solfege and Curwen hand signs to understand music
  • sing a variety of music styles in English
  • sing world music selections in several other languages

There are no auditions and no music reading skills needed to participate. Everyone who comes to sing is welcome!

Like us on Facebook: Capital Children’s Choir

The Director

The Director of the Capital Children’s Choir program is Dr. Suzanne Rita Byrnes who is a member of the Music Education faculty at FSU. Dr. Byrnes hails from Ottawa, Canada and was the director of the Kansas City Children’s Chorus for 12 years. Graduate and undergraduate music majors at FSU also assist and lead the choirs in various activities.

Dr. Byrnes can be reached by e-mail at

The Choirs

There are three choirs within the program. Each is based on the developmental, academic, and musical needs of the children. The grades included in the descriptions below are a guideline.

  • Garnet Choir – children in Kindergarten and First Grade.
    • Children do not need to have music or language reading skills to participate.
    • Children must be enrolled in Kindergarten to qualify for this choir.
  • Gold Choir – children in grades 2-3.
    • Children will be expected to have language reading skills to participate. However, music reading skills are not required.
  • Seminole Singers – children in grades 4-8.
    • Children will be expected to have language reading skills to participate. However, music reading skills are not required.

These are treble choirs. Therefore, enrollment is open to girls as well as boys who haven’t started the voice change. The Gold and Seminole Choirs will also work and perform joint repertoire.


The Garnet Choir (K-1) 5:00-5:45 pm
The Gold Choir (2-4) 6:00-7:00 pm
The Seminole Singers (5-8) 6:00-7:00 pm


The children’s choir meets in the Kuersteiner Music Building, Room 240. Parking is not allowed on campus without a permit. Please click on PARKING & DROPOFF below for more information.

Directions: To get to KMU by car, take Tennessee street to Copeland Street. From Copeland Street, turn right onto W. Call Street and take the first left onto Convocation Way. The second parking lot entrance is where the student drop off/pick up will be. Students will be present to open the gate for drop-offs.

Alternatively, you can park in the metered spots along Call Street and Park Avenue (parking in these spots should be free after 5pm – see posted signs) and walk to the Kuersteiner Music Building (across from UKIRK/Calvin’s Coffee).


Please complete the following form for registration: Enrollment. Payment is due at or before the first rehearsal. The cost is $15/child with a family maximum of $30. Please write checks payable to FSU Capital Children’s Choir. Checks can be sent to:

FSU Capital Children’s Choir
Attn: Dr. Byrnes
College of Music at Florida State University
122 N Copeland St, Tallahassee, FL 32306-1180

Please note: If you plan on paying cash at the first rehearsal, please put the exact amount in an envelope labeled with your and your child’s name. We will not be able to give change.

I hope we get many participants as I have new teachers and volunteers that are excited to work with the children!

Invite a Friend! If you have friends who would like to sing, please invite them to join! We welcome all new singers, so tell your friends about our program and direct them to our website.


**CCC follows the Leon County Schools Calendar for holidays/breaks**

September 9 First Rehearsal (1)
Grades K-1: 5-5:45 pm | Grades 2-8: 6-7 pm
16 Regular rehearsal (2)
23 Regular rehearsal (3)
30 Regular rehearsal (4)
October 7 Regular rehearsal (5)
14 Regular rehearsal (6)
21 Teacher Planning/Inservice – NO REHEARSAL
28 Regular rehearsal (7)
November 4 Regular Rehearsal (8)
11 Veteran’s Day Holiday – NO REHEARSAL
18 Regular Rehearsal (9)
25 Thanksgiving Break (districtwide) – NO REHEARSAL
December 2 Regular Rehearsal (10)
9 Informance 6:30 p.m.
OPPERMAN MUSIC HALL (Kuesteiner Music Building)

**CCC follows the Leon County Schools Calendar for holidays/breaks**

January 27 First Rehearsal (1)
Grades K-1: 5-5:45 pm | Grades 2-8: 6-7 pm
February 3 Regular rehearsal (2)
10 Regular rehearsal (3)
17 Presidents Day Holiday (district-wide) – NO REHEARSAL
24 Regular rehearsal (4)
March 3 Regular rehearsal (5)
10 Spring Break Holiday (district-wide) – NO REHEARSAL
17 Teacher planning/Inservice – NO REHEARSAL
24 Regular Rehearsal (6)
31 Regular Rehearsal (7)
April 7 Regular Rehearsal (8)
14 Regular Rehearsal (9)
21 Tech Rehearsal (same times as regular rehearsals)
28 Informance 6:30 p.m.
OPPERMAN MUSIC HALL (Kuesteiner Music Building)


Parking and Drop Off

It is important for students to arrive at rehearsal on time.

You may want to use the convenient drop-off area behind the Kuersteiner Music Building (directly behind Kuersteiner when entering from Convocation Way). Collegiate students who work with the Capital Children’s Choir program will be waiting at this area to open the gate and escort children to and from the rehearsals:

Garnet drop-off 4:45-5:00 p.m
Garnet pick-up 5:45-6:00 p.m.
Gold/Seminole drop-off 5:45-6:00 p.m.
Gold/Seminole pick-up 7:00-7:15 p.m.

Available parking for CCC on Monday evenings!
  •   Westcott North, lot 103 (next to Bill’s Bookstore)
  •   Housewright Music, lot 213 (north of Housewright, enter from Honors Way)
  •   Call St Garage, lot 205 (Call & Macomb)
  •   Palm Ct, lot 208 (Macomb to Palm Ct.)
  •   FAB Gravel, lot 210 (Call street next to the Art Education Facility [an old church])
  •   Call Street Hourly, lot 212 (next to the Theatre [Fine Arts] Annex on Call west of Copeland)
  •   Call St Gravel, lot 206 (Call street between Lot 212 and 219)
  •   Hecht House, lot 219 (Call next to Hect House)
  •   Pepper, lot 217 (enter from Call next to the Claude Pepper Center)
  •   Longmire, lot 215 (west of Music, next to Longmire, enter from Honors Way)
  •   Sandels, lot 220 (Convocation Way on east side of Sandels building)

NOTE: The UKIRK LOT across the street from the music buildings does have a few PARK & PAY spaces. Otherwise, DO NOT park in the UKIRK lot. This is a private lot and they WILL tow your car (a tow truck runs through the lot several times per hour).