The Florida State University College of Music is embarking on a captivating musical journey titled “Global Baroque: A Musical Journey Through Time and Cultures.” This innovative tour, curated by musicology professors Dr. Michael Bakan, Dr. Sarah Eyerly, Dr. Panayotis League, and Dr. Adrienne Tedjamulia Read, promises to transport audiences through the rich tapestry of the Baroque era, spanning from 1600 to 1750, with a global perspective.
The tour will showcase the emergence, evolution, and perfection of the Baroque style that defined the core foundations of Western art music. However, what sets the “Global Baroque” tour apart is its exploration beyond European boundaries. The Baroque period witnessed the flourishing of musical genres in societies worldwide: Indonesian gamelan, Chinese guheng playing, Brazilian samba, and the creative expressions of enslaved people of African descent.
These concerts promise an eclectic musical journey, delving into the diverse musical expressions influenced by European Baroque traditions. The “tour guides” for these performances are a top-flight ensemble comprising faculty, staff, and students from the FSU College of Music, specially assembled for this unique performance and tour.
The musical pieces selected for the tour reflect the global diversity of the Baroque era. From European Baroque instrumental sonatas to Balinese gamelan, Hindustani classical music from North India, Old Time American tunes, songs from the Bolivian Andes, Mexican Baroque sacred music, Caribbean Steelband arrangements, Middle Eastern instrumental works, and traditional Afro-Brazilian pieces – the repertoire promises an unforgettable musical experience.
Global Baroque Tour Stops:
- February 15
The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art | Sarasota, FL - February 17
Florida Gulf Coast University | Fort Myers, FL - February 18
Hope Lutheran Church | Bonita Springs, FL
Audiences attending these performances will not only witness the breathtaking beauty of Baroque music but also gain a newfound appreciation for its global impact and legacy. The “Global Baroque” tour is a testament to the enduring resonance of Baroque influences on diverse musical traditions worldwide, making it a vital, living legacy of contemporary music across the globe.