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Content Request

This is a form to request content creation (design, photography, press releases) that will be created by the communications team. College of Music faculty, staff, and students can fill this out with details of their event or announcement. Please be as detailed as possible. *We require two weeks notice before a deadline to be able to fulfill your request. Please check your email provided for updates and revisions*

You may also submit completed content to be posted via the attachment button below.

Things like ensemble name, student organization, or academic department. (Please only include groups that are directly involved in this content request)
I am a(Required)
I need a…(Required)
For an…(Required)

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Please include all relevant details that you would like to be included in your content. This is especially important for design and press release requests.
Include things like color, tone, themes. Does your group ONLY use the color pink? Please let us know! If you don’t have one, that’s okay too.
This could include things like headshots, title art, or programs.
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 50 MB, Max. files: 10.